a car wash and had the original color of my car restored. There were other women getting their cars washed, but they only gave me a casual glance as we waited for our cars to be processed. I then went back to the shopping center and picked up my shoes. By this time I was feeling so good and having such a great time being out and in circula- tion that I decided to be bold and really stick my neck out.
I had decided to wear a certain dress when I went out for the evening, but I had found that it was spotted and needed cleaning, so on my way to work on the 30th I took it to the cleaners and asked if they could please have it ready by the next day. The slip for the dress was in my purse so I went as I was to get it. The women at this shop all knew me as this shop is at the head of our street and we always patronized this shop, and I myself had taken the dress in to be cleaned just the day before. When I handed the woman at the counter the slip for the dress she looked at the name on the slip, then at me, back at the slip and again at me, gave me a great big smile of recognition and went to get my dress. When she brought the dress I handed her the money and casually told her that I was Mr.- and that this was the dress I was going to wear to a party that night. She then called the other women to "come see Mr.—.' I calmly told them that I not only was going to a party as a woman, but that I had also decided to be a woman for the entire day as well. There was another woman customer in the shop at the time and her mouth really popped open when she heard that I was a man and not a woman. She just gaped while the women who knew me complimented me and told me that I looked very feminine. They acted as if it were perfectly all right for me to be dressed as I was, and it was then only about 11 o'clock in the morning. As I left they thanked me for coming in and letting them see me.
After I returned home I did a few womanly chores, such as dusting, running the vacuum, etc., and then made myself some lunch. I noticed that my front lawn was covered with fallen leaves, so that afternoon I went out, raked them into a pile and carried them to my garden area. My evergreens also got a much needed trimming. I don't know if any of the neighbors saw me or not, but I didn't care if they did.
Late that afternoon I undressed, took a shower and then dressed for the evening. This time I put on a very tight waist cinch, panties, a regular girdle, new hose, a long line bra and a pretty pink nylon half- slip. Next came a complete makeup job, the best I could possibly do. I combed out my wig, set it in place and brushed and sprayed until I had it the way I wanted it. My dress was the last thing I put on,